当日博备用网站科技公司Pricer希望扩大在亚太地区的影响力并建立一个新的基地时, they knew that being prepared and understanding local business and legislative landscapes would be critical if they were going to build a bigger customer base in one of the world’s most competitive regions.
日博备用网站科技公司Pricer推出了一系列创新技术, 为零售日博备用网站提供产品和解决方案近三十年. 虽然Pricer不是一个家喻户晓的名字,但他们的电子货架标签(ESL)具有全球影响力. ESL显示我们在实体店看到的产品的价格、项目代码和其他信息. Pricer’s core offering has been built around ESL technology using a unique and highly advanced optical wireless network system.
作为高街零售商的主要供应商, DIY, 电子及制药行业, Pricer has established a significant global presence in the fast-moving smart in-store technology market. 当全球客户选择在台湾部署Pricer的ESL平台时, 公司需要迅速采取行动,在尽可能短的时间内提供完整的交钥匙解决方案. This also gave Pricer the catalyst for preparing a regional base in 台湾 that can be used for further expansion plans across the region.
我们必须在很短的时间内准备好开始交货. 管理, we needed local staff to interact with customers and local subcontractors to facilitate the initial deployment in Taipei. 除了, this required detailed knowledge of local import and taxation rules – as well as an understanding of necessary certifications for products to be sold and delivered.Pricer的Magnus Larsson, 客户运营副总裁解释道:
“我们必须在很短的时间内准备好开始交货. 管理, we needed local staff to interact with customers and local subcontractors to facilitate the initial deployment in Taipei. 除了, this required detailed knowledge of local import and taxation rules – as well as an understanding of necessary certifications for products to be sold and delivered. 在这个过程中, we decided to establish a local company to better serve the 台湾ese market and the wider 亚太地区 region.”
Many of the in-store retailers that have a presence in the 48 APAC countries are under pressure to innovate in a bid to compete with growing online sales which are expected to swell to USD 2.到2023年将达到5万亿美元.
Pricer的ESL平台支持店内部分的各种用例. ESL可以优化库存、补货、点击等店内流程 & 上门收件(挑选网上订单). 这也是动态定价的先决条件, 企业根据当前的日博备用网站需求为产品设定灵活的价格. The platform facilitates better shopping experiences with dynamic product positioning making it possible to quickly find the right product on a store app.
满足需求, Pricer turned to Business 日博备用网站 to help provide local market knowledge and access to accelerate market entry. The Business 日博备用网站 team used their capabilities to manage key elements of the set-up process including the details around import and taxes, 担任当地的项目经理, representing Pricer in 台湾 during the first few months of engagement as they set up a local company. The Business 日博备用网站 team in 台湾 were available immediately to act as local representatives and also established connections with local third-party companies which were needed for service execution. 另外, Pricer handed over the challenge of finding local talent to Business 日博备用网站 who used local knowledge and expertise to carry out the entire recruitment process and find the right staff in the highly competitive Taipei market.
“Retail in Asia is developing at a very high pace with consumers expecting advanced technology to support their in-store shopping. Pricer的解决方案使商店所有者和零售连锁店能够满足购物者的需求. 亚洲日博备用网站是个有趣的地方,各种鼓舞人心的创新层出不穷. 因此,我们将继续发展我们在台湾和整个地区的业务.”
自1991年以来, 日博备用网站科技公司Pricer为全球零售业提供了创新的解决方案. Pricer develops and manufactures a digital store communication system with electronic shelf labels (ESL) that help retailers around the world to solve a number of key and time-consuming in-store challenges by streamlining critical processes in the store, 例如价格更新, 店内挑选和盘点. 它采用专用集成电路技术, 先进的光学无线技术, 即时闪光,并与电子墨水紧密配合. These technologies form part of a sophisticated architecture that encompasses hardware and software, 基于云计算的系统, 人工智能和图像识别.